A Christian Parents Guide to Sexuality Education (eBook)
A Christian Parents Guide to Sexuality Education (eBook)
Let's Get the Conversation Started!
But how...what do I say... when do I say it? These are critical questions that most parents wrestle with at one time or another. You know the messages your kids are receiving are toxic yet alluring, and you must say something... but what? Whether you're a Christian parent or just a practical-thinking parent, you know, if left unchallenged, those alluring messages can set them on a path to making poor sexual choices that lead to an unplanned pregnancy, which can lead to abortion.
This was written 20 years ago when I taught character-based abstinence and relationship programs to tens of thousands of students, from middle school to college. It is for parents who understand that their goal is protection in childhood, direction in adolescence, and celebration in marriage.
It's packed with practical insights that will help you prepare a young child to enter a sex-obsessed culture and your older child to begin thinking about the importance of managing their sexuality in a way that leads to positive outcomes.
If they're to avoid an unplanned pregnancy that can lead to abortion or being the cause of one their IQ will be of very little help. It will depend primarily on their RQ, their relationship intelligence that will prepare them to successfully navigate a dating landscape laced with landmines that have blown up many promising futures. Whether your child is a four-year-old or headed off to college, the information in this book will cause them, at some point, to come back and say, "Thank you."
Mike Goss, for years, relationship education was his life. Not only did he teach in schools and colleges, which he considers his most significant work, but he also conducted teacher's workshops for school districts, parent groups, and churches. If we're going to reduce the number of lives lost to abortions and the number of women and men left with emotional aftermath, this is the starting place.
Donate Here. (1 copy per any donation amount or shipping and handling price above). Your generous donation provides meaningful support to women who are seeking an alternative to abortion and post-abortive care for others (121 pages).
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